Senin, 29 Desember 2014

IJN Akashi

 Hello all know i want to talk about another important ship in all fleet. Is Repair Ship in Imperal Japanese Navy Akashi.

Akashi is the only ship in Japanese Navy designed and built as a construction ship. While the big hitters get all the attention, she's a very important logistic ship.

Before Akashi was constructed, the Japanese Navy modified the captured Russian steam ship Manchuria and operate her as the repair ship Kantou. But this ship sank in an accident in 1924.
Now they wanted a real repair ship.
But, ignoring budget, the (② Plan) was approved in 1934 and finally construction was started in Sasebo Shipyard in January 1937. Construction was finished on July 31st 1937.
Her hull design was a flat-deck type (all the exposed deck from bow to stern was made into a single deck). This gave her more space internally and three large cranes were installed on the deck.
There were 17 workshops in her hull and they worked on everything from milling to finishing. For this, they had 144 units of the latest machine tools imported from Germany that even facilities on the mainland didn't have. Thanks to this, Akashi had a very high repairing capacity.

During the war, Akashi's sister ship Mihara was planned in the "Improved Circle-5 Plan", but because the situation worsed, her construction was halted.

There is this episode of Akashi. In 1940, the crew of Akashi were welcoming the new year on the sea. They wanted to make mochi, but they didn't have a mortar nor a mallet.
So they decided to make that equipment themselves. But instead of a chisel and plane, they used their large sized lathe and as result the wood became soft and easily chipped

Nobody realized this when they were pounding the mochi. Only when the mochi was done did they realize that it was filled with wooden chips.

But because it was a new year celebration, they ate the mochi with tears from their eyes. ( what a tough crew isn it.

Another story is when the submarine i-156 got stranded on Miyakojima. Akashi tried to pull the submarine, but even after moving all the submarine's cargo to Akashi, the submarine still wouldn't budge.

Then, the light cruiser Jintsuu made a circular course at high speed and let the large wave she caused wash over the submarine. Following the timing of the wave, Akashi finally managed to dislodge the submarine.
(from Recollection of Repair Ship Akashi).

Back to the story.
With her equipment, Akashi became the mobile factory of the Combined Fleet and the vital point of the fleet's repair.
While going to Truk, she performed repair on Mogami who had been damaged in the Battle of Midway on the sea. After she arrived, she performed repair on Chitose, Ootaka, Murasame, Chikuma, Teruzuki, Amatsukaze, Sendai, Agano, Akizuki, Kumano, Yakaze and many others. Imagine the long line of patients waiting to meet the doctor.

Of course this was also known to the enemy and there were orders that put her destruction at a higher priority than even Yamato.
She was heavily damaged in an air raid on Truk in February 1944, forcing her to retreat to Palau. Then on March 30th, she hit the bottom after receiving 13 bombs from an air raid on Palau.

After losing Akashi, damaged Japanese ships in the southern front were forced to return to the mainland for repairs. This separated the southern front which had fuel but couldn't do repairs and the mainland which could perform repairs but didn't have enough fuel. Japan had essentially lost it's ability to continue the war.

In modern day, Akashi's name was inherited by JMSDF ocean observation ship (JS Akashi, AGS-5101). Want know more about akashi? See wikipedia of course

Minggu, 14 Desember 2014

IJN Abukuma

 Hello all sorry for no posting more than 2 months because exam in my school and now i will explaining simple about IJN Abukuma.

Abukuma underway, circa 1941 E13A floatplane on catapult.

IJN Abukuma is built as the 6th ship of the 5,500 tons nagara class light cruiser.great kanto earthquake in 1923 caused many damaged in uraga ship dock,so compared her sister,abukuma's  construction took two years longer. Finally on may 26th 1925 , she's completed and entered service. Her construction period overlapped with the next generation sendai-class light cruiser. During large scales training in 1930 kitakami who moved ahead collided with abukuma from port side, causing massive damaged to abukuma bow during repair , the damaged spoon bow is changed into superior double curved bow design. Among the 5,500 tons class ships , only Abukuma , Jintsuu and Naka is equipped with this kind of 1938 she is equipped with torpedo launcher tubes and becomethe first among the nagara class to be able shoot oxygen torpedoes.

Become flagships.
At first, she's positioned as the flagships of 1st destroyer squadron. The 1st destroyer squadron mostly consisted older model destroyers.this is because the 1st destroyer squadron tasked to escort the battleship in the back. This contrasted with the 2nd destroyer squadron's newer model destroyer who escort the cruiser fighting in the front line.

 March 27th 1943, Attu island campaign

july 29th 1943, she became flagship of the kiska island evacuation operations. Abukuma collided with coast guard's ship kunashiro, but she still managed to finished the mission.
by the way, during this mission Abukuma mistakenly identify an island as enemy ship and proceed to launch torpedo together with destroyer Shimakaze and scored perfect hits on their target. In total they wasted around 200,000 yen worth of today's currency, that's about 1 billion yen.

Battle of surigao strait
October 25th 1944, she joined vice admiral shima's fleet in battle of Surigao strait who will entered the battle from behind Nishimura fleet. But she hit by torpedo and have emergency repair in mindanao island.
 After the repair, accompanied by ushio, she headed to coron. On the way  they're attacked by 30 B-24 Bombers. After receiving 3 hits and 4 near misses Abukuma is stopped. Her torpedo tubes explode and an order to abandon ships is issued. With her bow standing, Abukuma sank in to the phillipine's  Negron island's water. Ushio rescued her survivor and send the to manila. In present day , the second escort "Abukuma" served as escort ship in the JMSDF. Her sisters in the abukuma class escort ship are Jintsuu, Sendai, chikuma and tone. Glad to see their names are still perpetuated by the japanese for their new vessel to honor the spirits of the crew who has sacrificed for the country.
Abukuma now


Sorry all for my shortcomings because i use the tab to works on this blog, because my laptop screen broke and cannot be used anymore.

Want to know anymore about Ijn Abukuma? You can oped wikipedia